Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Setting up Back 2 Africa

Hi. My name is Ryan. I've started Back 2 Africa as an informational/inspirational blog site for a truly extraordinary couple I know. They've laid down their lives and livelyhood three times in the past to go overseas and spread the good news of the Gospel. As phenomenal as their past has been, the reason I've created this site isn't for how self sacrificial they have been. It's because of the fact that they're laying it all down again.

I chose the name Back 2 Africa because that's precisely where they're going. One of their most successful church planting endeavors was in the nation of Namibia back in 1997.
They left a powerful move of God in the hands of local disciples when the government of that beautiful nation decided not to renew their visas in 2002. Now, after nearly 10 years, they are returning to Africa. To the thriving city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

This time around, they are leaving their grown children and grandchildren in exchange for the company of complete strangers. They're laying down all of the comforts we, in the first world, enjoy. They're trading economic security for the non-extravagant life of a missionary. Steve is leaving the possibility of a retirement he could obtain in a few years for the uncertain future of a pioneer preacher. What drives them? Why are they so willing to leave what other people strive to obtain?

These are questions I want to explore by creating this site. It's intended as a forum where people can hear about the real life decisions made by people who lay it all down for the call of God. So, if you're an aspiring missionary, a devout disciple of Jesus Christ, or, you're just curious about what some people do to reach the lost in foreign nations, this site is created with you in mind. I'm going to be working closely with Steve and Shirley Anderson throughout the whole process of preparing themselves to dislocate and travel to the other side of the world. I'll also keep this site up when they get there so that we, back home, may see the everyday life over their in Tanzania.

I sincerely hope that this is used as a resource of information for anybody interested. More importantly, I hope that this serves as an inspiration for everyone who feels the call into ministry.


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